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Lena's Plan for San Marcos Unified

Campus Safety

The top priority of the school district should always be the safety of our students and staff. Students can’t learn without a safe learning environment. I support collaboration with local law enforcement to ensure we have an adequate presence of School Resource Officers on all of our campuses. I also support investments in fencing, surveillance, training, and equipment that makes sure we are proactively working to secure our school sites and are prepared for whatever situation may develop.

Fiscal Responsibility

Next year our district will face tough budget decisions. I believe it is important to have a realistic, long-term plan for fiscal responsibility. Every decision the board makes has lasting fiscal implications. We cannot get into the habit of approving long term, ongoing expenses when we are in strong budget cycles only to have to make tough cuts down the road. Fiscal responsibility also means having a collaborative and respectful relationship with our employee groups. I will always seek to work together with the teachers and classified staff in the district to ensure competitive compensation and benefits that also protects the long-term stability of the district.

Student Mental Health

Students across the nation and here in our community are facing unprecedented social-emotional challenges, including high levels of depression. Most families can attest to their own children or children they know dealing with some sort of mental health challenge. I have come across middle school children dealing with anxiety because they already feel pressure about college admissions. We cannot be complacent when it comes to our kids. Outcomes are not only test scores. We must make sure we have the infrastructure and professionals on our campuses available to work with parents in managing mental health challenges. As a community, we should strive for San Marcos Unified to graduate respectful citizens that are prepared and excited to contribute positively to our society. 

Special Education

Growing up, my dad cared for my uncle, Michael, who had Down’s Syndrome. Living with Michael while I was growing up shaped my upbringing and life experience. I know what my grandma went through so Michael could be included and I know what my dad did to advocate for him. On the school board, I will listen to families and work to provide the best resources for their students with special needs. We need to value and appreciate their advocacy and involve families in decision making.  Families that have children with special needs should not need to seek out charter or private schools to fulfil their needs. We must have resources available that make these families feel included, valued, and that they are receiving the educational services they deserve.

Parental Involvement and School Choice

Parental involvement and community engagement is key in the success of our schools. I believe as a member of the school board we are responsible for representing our constituents, listening to the parents’ voices, and focusing on providing quality education to our students. I believe the board members should attend Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) and Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) meetings to create an open dialogue with parents. I believe board members should visit campus, school events, and allow students to share ideas.


I also think it’s important to recognize that there isn’t one educational model that works for every student. School choice is important for families that have varying needs, and it is imperative that we have representatives that are willing to think outside the box so we are getting the best possible outcomes for our students.  In 2021, when Richland started demolition to build the new school, we decided to move our boys to a local public charter school. At that time, the smaller environment was better for our family, but eventually we decided to return to the district and enroll at Richland Elementary and Woodland Park Middle. We appreciate the opportunity we had to embrace an alternative learning environment for our kids and understand that there is no “one size fits all” with education.

College and Career Readiness

Every student that graduates from San Marcos Unified should be equipped with the skills needed to be successful in college or the workforce. We have some great college prep courses and should work to further develop our career-technical education (CTE) programs in the district. In my profession, I have worked for both corporate and healthcare recruiting including entry level all the way up to executive leadership. I know this will serve an asset to our students. Whether a student chooses culinary arts, computer science, or criminal justice, we should be supporting their ambition with CTE pathways.


Paid for by Lena Lauer Meum for School Board 2024
FPPC ID 1469750

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